Thursday, June 26, 2008

a tag

I am…tiffany
I want…to know Jesus more deeply
I wish... I could travel more
I hate…that I have a hard time changing
I miss…my family
I fear…not much
I feel…pain in my back
I hear…steve washing dishes
I smell…nothing
I crave…a snack
I search…the internet
I wonder…about lots of things
I regret…yelling at my daughter
I love…my husband
I care…about people
I ache…right now (my back)
I always...overanalyze
I believe…that God is sovereign, supreme, and sufficient
I dance…in my dreams
I the car
I cry…when I read certain blogs
I don’t always... like myself
I fight…sin
I write…in a journal mostly and a little on this blog
I never…change the oil on our car (steve does)
I listen…to people
I need…to be content
I am be me

i tag jenny and erin


Jenny said...

oooh. I like this one. But I don't think I'll be able to be as consise as you. hmmm...

Jenny said...

I mean concise. Why don't comment windows have spellcheck?? :)