Saturday, January 24, 2009

25 random things about me

1. I don't like the way my hands look when I'm wearing nail polish.

2. No to Cool Whip. Whipping Cream is better.

3. I really like my husbands bald head.

4. I don't like malls, but go there for the kids play gyms.

5. I prefer city over suburb. But city vs.'s a toss up.

6. I don't iron.

7. I don't like this culture always telling me to strive for more and bigger.

8. I get nervous when all the attention is on me (except when I'm teaching).

9. I loved teaching, but don't miss it one bit.

10. I procrastinate, but always end up getting it done on time.

11. I prefer to give unique/ homemade gifts or something from (even though I don't always do this)

12. I hope to do short term mission trips with my family someday.

13. I have no desire to go to Disney World.

14. I drove a milk truck to my high school senior prom. That is how I learned to drive a stick shift.

15. I wish I were musical.

16. I don't wear heels.

17. I like order and organization, but don't always achieve it.

18. I enjoy garage sales and thrift stores.

19. I hate Trivial Pursuit. I love Dutch Blitz.

20. People used to call me Biff in high school and I also drove a really old Camaro.

21. People sometimes think I'm quiet. I am however, quite social.

22. I wish I could walk or bike everywhere I needed to go.

23. I was born with 6 fingers on one hand. I passed that gene to my son. (we have normal hands now)

24. I faint easily.

25. Whenever I get in my car, I automatically take out my cell phone. Bad bad habit.


Jenna said...

guess what. we LOVE dutch blitz. we must play sometime soon!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Tiffany...saw a link on Kristy's site. Nice blog!

Our Family said...

I love list posts!

BTW, thank you for the sweet compliment this morning about our boy. Sorry I was kind of distant... I was making sure that Mia was seeking forgiveness from Mrs. Dick for her negative behavior during service. :)

Thank you again!

Unknown said...

No idea what Dutch Blitz is. A Camero in high school - I'm impressed.
Did your little one sing up front Sunday am? I hope so, because we ooed and aaahhd about how cute she was!