Wednesday, August 15, 2012


He's my planner and my responsible, orderly child.  He always likes to know what's going to happen the next day.  And in what order of course.  It cracks me up whenever it begins to rain outside he has to either run outside and check to see if all of the toys (bikes, scooters, etc.) are put safely away in the garage or ask us if they are.  He often thinks of it before we do.  This morning we had a rain shower and when he came down for breakfast I made a comment about the windows being opened upstairs.  He said "I closed them.  I shut the fan off in my window too."  He's four and he thinks of these things?!  This thrills me to no end as I'm still trying to get a certain 8 (almost 9) year old to think of these things. 

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