Thursday, March 3, 2011

breakfast call

Jude is usually awake before the girls are. At night before bed he always needs to know what we are having for breakfast in the morning. This requires some thinking ahead on my well as followthrough. Our breakfasts usually consist of either cereal, oatmeal, smoothies, puff pancakes, eggs, cocoa wheats, or occasionally cinnamon rolls. Jude likes all of these things. He's a breakfast lover. Upon waking up he immediately asks about the breakfast food that was promised to him as he was drifting off to sleep the night before. I always tell him he can go and wake up Jeneva. He runs to the stairs, opens the door, and says up the stairs "Jen, it's time to get up, we're having (insert breakfast food)!" He is a creature of habit. This happens nearly every single morning. I love it. Unfortunately he will outgrow this someday.

1 comment:

Marie said...

That's cute! My Jude talks about his breakfast food, too... but it's not as exciting. "Can I have Kashi in the morning?" :-)