Friday, January 28, 2011

i hope tomorrow...

i hope the kids sleep in
i hope steve hears back soon about the job change
i hope i can enjoy my family and not worry about the house being in disarray
i hope i can survive in the morning with no coffee in the house
i hope i can think of something creative to make for breakfast
i hope we can get to trader joe's in the morning
i hope i can creatively and inexpensively decorate jude's room
i hope josie's teeth aren't bothering her
i hope jude's nose isn't bleeding
i hope i can get up early enough before the kids do
i hope i remember to drink enough water
i hope i can get a shower in before noon
i hope they still have the glasses i want to order at costco
i hope it feels warmer
i hope jeneva likes the new bedsheet i bought for her bed
i hope everyone will get along and be happy
i hope i don't feel annoyed
i hope a magic fairy will come and wash my dishes throughout the day for me
i hope i don't get sick
i hope i can help someone in some way
i hope for a good nights sleep. g'nite!


Jenna said...

one of these things is not like the others...(magic fairy?!!).

i hope josie's sidebar picture gets updated...hint, hint...


tiffany said...

Yes, I had to throw in ONE impossible wish... :)

Marie said...

Haha I love your blog! And magic dish washing fairies :-)

Caryn said...

Very Creative post!