jeneva and steve are headed to the 'quaking bog.' it's one of our favorite places to explore winter or summer at theo wirth park. this winter is dragging on entirely too long in my opinion. i'm glad they can enjoy some of it! i'll just stay inside and take a nice hot shower and drink some coffee.
Oh hooray! I found your blog! I could not remember what the name of it was. I could only remember the word "North". So I found it through Jenna's blog, which I found through a search, ect. I've never been to the bog. And it's at Theodore Wirth Park? By the golf course? How do you get there?
Is this where I respond to your question? Not quite sure of the proper blogging etiquette quite yet! :) It's kind of hard to tell you how exactly to get there, but I'm sure you could find it on-line. There is something called the "Quaking Bog" as well as the "Eloise Butler Gardens." It's very pretty there especially in the summer time. We have seen deer, turtles, other various creatures and all sorts of wildflowers in the gardens. The bog has some fun trails. You should check it out in the spring when everything is in bloom. We could even meet there sometime since we both live so close to there. Let me know! Jeneva and Henri would have fun together!
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