Tuesday, July 21, 2009

bizarre pregnancy dreams

In my first bizarre dream I was being forced to eat a jar of Mayonnaise at the Airport because of failure to bring my passport which apparently was needed.

In my second over-the-top, bizarre, only-when-pregnant dream (last night) I came home to find that Steve had gotten a tattoo covering his entire chest/stomach. He has a somewhat hairy chest, so it was first of all shaved off. The design was of Noah's Ark with Noah being in cartoon form. To make things worse Steve was insisting on going shirtless everywhere we went. Thankfully, I soon woke up and the nonsense ended.

I have three months left of this pregnancy. What more bizarre mysterious dreams have yet to come to me in my sleep?


amandaginn said...


I will never look at a trip to the airport the same way again.

And I won't look at Steve the same way, either.


Bobbi Kenow said...

what imagination!! I had a good laugh over your dreams!