Friday, May 8, 2009

random family update (i know, i do a lot of these)

1. My allergies are miserable. I finally broke down and got some Benadryl. Doc says it's okay to take it while pregnant.

2. I think it's hilarious that Jude loves to eat limes. Just like his mama! And I've got plenty of them right now (when you buy them at Costco, you have to buy 30, not just one) because I'm on a guacamole kick.

3. I think Glad Press-n-Seal wrap was a GENIUS invention.

4. Steve trimmed our million foot tree yesterday, so it looks like a tornado hit our back yard.

5. Our camera is acting funny (hence the lack of pictures lately). Every time I try and take a picture, it switches to VIDEO mode. So, I've got lots of videos....oh, maybe I should upload those!

6. I am reading "Life of Pi" right now.

7. Did I mention that my allergies are awful! I sneezed 7 times while at CVS tonight.

8. I have a DiGorno pizza in the oven and some friends are bringing over Papa Murphy's to add to the pleasure. Life is good on a Friday night without having to cook a REAL meal. Another friend brought over donuts this morning. Not a good wise!

9. I've been reading through this blog/comments about homeschool and have found it interesting....NO, I am not re-considering it. Jeneva is pumped about Spanish Immersion and we are TOO!

10. Steve biffed it on his bike the other day and has some major scratches and bruises to show for it.

11. I need to join a good Bible Study. Beth Moore perhaps?

12. We went in with a bunch of friends on a farm share for the summer. I'm stoked about all of the yummy FRESH veggies that will come weekly! We only planted flowers. I'm not even going to TRY a garden. If someone came and did it for me, I PROMISE I would weed it and tend to it. (Heather?:)

13. Jeneva will probably have to get glasses this summer. Cute!

14. One of my cousins is coming home from Afghanistan tomorrow. I just wanted to acknowledge that and say we are so thankful for HIS and every other soldier's service overseas.

15. I have been really really thankful lately for all of the people God has placed in my life: family, close friends, casual friends, acquaintances, neighbors.....ALL amazing in different ways.

16. The Benadryl JUST kicked in.

17. Steve and I just went through our CD's and are getting rid of a few: Alanis Morrisette, Amy Grant, Simon and Garfunkle, Mission Impossible soundtrack.....just to name a few. Ha! If JOSH MISNER or SARA read this, please KNOW that we didn't get rid of Josh....we burned it and made hundreds of copies to pass out to everyone we know!

18. Jude had his 18 month check up yesterday. He's in the 20th percentile for weight and 85th for height. Long and lean boy he is.

19. Oh, the pizza's done. Better run! (I wanted to make it to 20, but even numbers are boring...right?)


.kp. said...

those homeschool comments were interesting. especially the grammar nazi. i laughed and was so glad she left it on there.

skip beth moore and do a nancy leigh demoss instead. joshua is an incredible one she just finished. shes one of the speakers at the summer study. i heart her teaching...obviously.

Jenny said...

love this post, tiff!! I miss you! Coffee? Tea? Latte? Let's get together!

2)Ava loved limes too. She'd eat the whole thing, peel and all.

3)Amen, sistah.

12)we did a farm share last year, it was awesome. You'll love it.

13)Won't she be CUTE! Get them at WalMart (nobody shoot me). They have pretty cute ones for $10 frames, $30 lenses. Then we don't freak out if they get lost. PLUS they have a 12 month warranty if they break for any reason. We've used that already when Isaac stepped on them!

14)Amen. My brother-in-law is deployed right now.

20)I've written entire blog posts shorter than this comment! HAHA!!!

Marie said...

I second the Nancy Leigh DeMoss recommendation... she is SO good! I'm hoping to be a part of an inductive (I think that's what it's called) study this summer :-)

jomm said...

Would you share your guacamole recipe? I had DELICIOUS guacamole at a grad party yesterday! I asked for the recipe, but was told there isn't one...just throw stuff in and use lots of garlic. I need more of a recipe than that. : )