Thursday, April 29, 2010

life today

My children are definitely stop-and-smell-and-pick-and-admire-the-flowers kind of kids. I believe I've trained them to be like that....though I am not naturally like that. I realized on our walk this evening (70 degrees, still, pre-thunderstorm, amazing) that it's good for me. Good for me that THEY are like that. I am prone to rushing. I need to enjoy and observe more.

I'm working full time. Temporarily. Two months. It's a good gig and I'm thankful for it. Halfway through. I don't dread going to work, but I look forward to the end of my commitment and being at home again. The extra money is helpful and the change of scenery is rejuvinating.

Josie is teething.

I have allergies, but not as bad as they were last year when I was pregnant.

Jude never forgets to take his "vime dims" in the morning (vitamins).

Jeneva loves life. As usual.

I'm realizing every day that the things I love about Steve now, I didn't even realize about him when we got married. Thank you, God.

I am finally going to order a new camera online tonight! Hopefully I'll be posting pictures again soon.

I plan to blog more frequently again. The kids are growing up so fast and I want to record stuff so I don't forget!

Time to do dishes, tidy up, switch out the laundry, decide what to make for supper tomorrow night, figure out what kind of 4 dozen hors d'vours I should make for Tuesday morning MOMS tea, take some more benadryl, read and hopefully watch the thunderstorm roll in.

Good night.


Jenna said...

so great to read. as for the working and how it's going, i couldn't be happier for you!!

love you!!!

Bobbi Kenow said...

Hey!! I just received your comment :) Yes...lets get together in June!! I would love that :) I think of you often and am so excited to have internet (Soon) so that we can keep in touch. Thanks for the updates :)

Marie said...

Thanks for the update! Can't wait to see you guys.