Monday, October 4, 2010

fishing and archery and sleeping in a cabin

Steve took Jeneva and Jude on a 24 hour camping trip to Bayfield last week. They met his dad and brother in the middle of their stay there. It was kind of a last minute, spontaneous adventure. The weather couldn't have been more perfect and the kids couldn't have been more excited! Jeneva got to miss a day of school and this mama was thrilled to have 24 hours with just Josie.

Jeneva had the opportunity to sharpen up her archery skills.

Fishing is always the activity of choice. Jude even got to reel in a big fish (northern? crappie? blue gill? I don't remember what kind it was. Can you tell how much of a fisherman I am?)

Three generations. Any resemblances?

Jude on the dock.

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