Sunday, August 22, 2010


Tonight at the dinner table:

Jeneva: "Just so you all know, I'm gonna be a vegetarian. I just don't like to eat animals that were, you know, running around and being alive and stuff. Except deer. I'll be a vegetarian that only eats deer meat."

Jude: "I LIKE to eat animals. I like giraffes......and dogs......."


jomm said...

O Tiffany, your kids are so precious!!! Thanks for sharing. I needed a smile today. ~~ Joann

Annika said...

too funny!

Melissa said...

that's so cute!

Unknown said...

Let Jeneva know that we have a tame deer that comes around that she can help us eat.
We'll let Jude know when the giraffe comes back again.

laverta said...

When I need to laugh out loud & a little cheer I just look up your blog & see what your kids are doing & saying ;-)