Wednesday, June 4, 2008

i would be 65...

Today I told Jeneva I would be going to a meeting tonight and she would be at home with Papa.

"Oh MAMA, don't go! I hate it when you go." (typical drama)

A few minutes later...

"Mom, when I'm 40, will you let me come with you to your meetings?"


Unknown said...

Oh my land! You must be, like, 22 or something...

tiffany said...

Ohno!!! I totally did the math wrong! I was adding 40 to age 25 which is how old I was when Jeneva was born. Oops.

tiffany said...

No, that's right! Isn't it? I'm almost 30. Jeneva's almost 5. We're 25 years apart. So, if she's 40, then I would be 65. Right??? I'm not going too crazy.